Scholarships & Financial Aid
The spring application deadline for all departmental scholarships is April 12 of each year, at noon (if that date falls on a weekend, the due date rolls to the subsequent Monday). Applicants should be aware that the scholarship amounts indicated may be adjusted as the department receives updates from the various financial sources.
Please submit application materials via e-mail to
Listed below are scholarships offered to current students in the Department of Communicative Disorders. For these scholarships, we will announce the availability, amount of scholarship and application process during the spring semester. For more information please contact the Departmental Scholarship Coordinator, Dr. Judith Oxley.
To apply, you can download an application below after scholarship announcements are posted in the spring semester.
Current undergraduate students may also qualify for scholarships through the College of Liberal Arts. Scholarships for Communicative Disorders students are also available from organizations outside the University. These are also described below and specific contact information is given.
C. Richard Cochrane Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
- 3.0 GPA or better
- Junior or senior status (minimum of 60 semester hours)
- Full-time enrollment required (minimum of 12 hours must be maintained in the fall and spring semesters)
- US citizen
- 1/2 of scholarship amount awarded in the fall semester and 1/2 in the spring semester
Download the Undergraduate Scholarship Application.
Junior League of Lafayette Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
- 3.0 GPA or better
- Junior or senior status (minimum of 60 semester hours)
- Full-time enrollment required (minimum of 12 hours must be maintained in the fall and spring semesters)
- US citizen
- Resident of an Acadiana parish
- Preference given to female residents of Lafayette Parish
- 1/2 scholarship amount awarded in the fall semester and 1/2 in the spring semester
Download the Undergraduate Scholarship Application
Harmon F. Roy Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
- First-time freshman majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology
- US citizen and a Louisiana Resident
- Graduate of a Louisiana High School
- Recipient will be chosen from students applying for UL Lafayette scholarships and will be based on ACT scores and high-school GPA
- To be awarded in the spring semester, following a full semester in the major
- Full-time enrollment with a GPA of 3.0 required to continue receiving scholarship
Apply for UL Lafayette Scholarships.
Pamela Stroup Endowed Scholarship for Liberal Arts Transfer Students
- Administered throught the College of Liberal Arts.
Available through the CODI Department. Download the graduate scholarship application that applies to all of the following scholarships.
Sertoma-Allen Comeaux Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
Be admitted in regular status to the ALSS doctoral program
GPA of 3.3 for continuing students
May not receive the scholarship for more than 2 consecutive years
If no qualified PhD candidate is available may be awarded to a student in the Master's program
Francis P. Billeaud Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
- Graduate student in the Master's program (may be currently enrolled or admitted to program)
- Full-time enrollment required (minimum of 12 hours must be maintained in the fall and spring semesters)
- US Citizen and Louisiana Resident
- Graduate GPA of 3.3 for currently enrolled students; UG GPA of 3.2 for recently admitted students
Hula and Tony Damico Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
Be admitted as a full-time graduate student in the ALSS doctoral program
GPA of 3.3 or higher on a minimum of 6 credit hrs for continuing students
Full-time enrollment is a minimum of 6 credit hrs unless at dissertation stage
Evidence of research productivity/potential & financial need
John W. Oller, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
Be admitted as a full-time graduate student in regular status
GPA of 3.3 or higher on a minimum of 6 credit hrs for continuing students
Full-time enrollment is a minimum of 6 credit hrs unless at dissertation stage
Preference to ALSS doctoral student; students in Master's Program in Communicative Disorders are also eligible
Evidence of research productivity/potential & financial need
The Dr. Sammie Cosper Memorial Endowed Graduate Student Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
3.0 GPA (with no more than 2 grades of C and no grades lower than C)
Full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s degree program in Speech Language Pathology (Communicative Disorders Dept, COLA)
Emphasis on clinical speech and language disorders associated with aphasia in adults
The Sertoma Club of Lafayette Endowed Graduate Student Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
- Graduate student in the Master's program (may be currently enrolled or admitted to program)
- Full-time enrollment required (minimum of 12 hours must be maintained in the fall and spring semesters)
- US Citizen and Louisiana Resident
- Preference given to Lafayette Parish resident and graduate of Lafayette Parish high school
- Graduate GPA of 3.3 for currently enrolled students; UG GPA of 3.2 for recently admitted students
Additional Graduate Scholarships
Sertoma International Communicative Disorders Scholarship
Scholarship criteria:
- Must be a citizen of the United States of America
- Pursuing a graduate level degree in speech language pathology and/or audiology at a college or university in the United States, accredited by ASHA’s Council on Academic Accreditation
- Must have a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level coursework - this must include the fall 2019 semester.
Apply for the Sertoma International Scholarship.
Lafayette Breakfast Sertoma Excellence Award
Scholarship criteria:
- Must be a master's level graduate student in the Department of Communicative Disorders
- Full-time enrollment required
- Louisiana resident who graduated from a high-school in one of the following parishes: Lafayette, Acadia, St. Martin, Vermilion, St. Landry, St. Mary, Jeff Davis or Evangeline
Students will receive an announcement by email in the Fall semester with the application attached. Applications are turned into Ms. Roxie Harris in Room 236.
Louisiana Scottish Rite Foundation Student Clinician Scholarships
Scholarship criteria:
- First-year graduate student clinician
- Financial need, evidence of service to community
- Good academic standing
Students will receive an announcement in the summer term with deadlines for applications.
Download the Scottish Rite Scholarship application.
Dowload the general Scholarship Information and Deadline Info
Rotary Club
The Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD)
The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc.
Speech Pathologists & Audiologists in Louisiana Schools (SPALS) Scholarships
Louisiana Speech Language and Hearing Association (LSHA) Scholarships
- Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships. Students must be nominated and supported by a faculty member. If you believe you qualify for the LSHA scholarship awards, contact a faculty member for potential nomination.